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Athens, 9th February 2015

The Foreign Press Association of Greece expresses its deepest condolences to the family of Brian Williams, distinguished and beloved colleague, with great presence and sensibility, who died of cancer on Saturday, February 7th. He would have been 70 in three weeks’ time.

Known affectionately as Digger, he left his journalistic mark and a trail of happy memories wherever he went. He worked in London, New Delhi, New York, Saigon, Sydney, Tokyo and more besides. He was a veteran and joined Reuters in 1969.

He started his carreer by coverring the Vietnam War. In New York, he was media news editor for the Americas, then worked in Tokyo as chief correspondent for Japan and North Korea, followed by London as chief correspondent for Britain and Ireland.

He was Olympics editor-in-charge for Sydney 2000. Four years later he organized coverage of the 2004 Games in Athens and afterwards stayed on in Greece. He loved our country and its beauties so much that he married in Athens and stayed in Greece with his wife, Aliki, enjoying retirement from 2005.

Brian Williams was a member of F.P.A. for about 13 years.

There will be a memorial service in London at a date to be announced.

The F.P.A. Executive Council